Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Recommended Calculus Books

Updating my "Recommended Books" web page

Last week I reorganized my “Recommended Books” web page, now including seven calculus titles. Three of these books I have come across through my students: Stewart’s Calculus; Larson/Hostetler/Edwards Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions; and Frank Blume’s Applied Calculus for Scientists and Engineers.
Stewart’s Calculus book is popular among college professors; many students have it as their textbook. Of course it is a very good book but personally I prefer the way the topics are organized in the Larson/Hostetler/Edwards textbook.
Then there are a few books I was familiar with since I was in college myself. Spivak’s Calculus is an excellent book with superb explanations of the concepts and the proofs. This is a classic book for mathematicians. The vector calculus books: “Vector Calculus” by Marsden & Tromba; and “Div, Grad, Curl and All That” by Schey are also very good, with very clear explanations and examples.
Among these calculus books I listed a book that is not a calculus book per se: “e: The Story of a Number” by Eli Maor. Here there are many illuminating stories about the number e, the base of the natural logarithms. The number e is customarily defined as a limit in calculus and it is used extensively in exponential functions and hyperbolic functions, as well as in many types of differential equations. Many students are often mystified by the number e and its strange looking definition, because e is a transcendental number, as pi is but e does not have an obvious geometrical point of reference like the circle to understand its meaning. Eli Maor in its book does an outstanding job of illuminating many of the relationships the number e has with the real world and with other parts of math.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Tower of Hanoi classic puzzle

The latest addition to my site, a page with an interactive puzzle.

Last Friday I added a new page to my site.
The new page is about the Towers of Hanoi puzzle.
Solving this puzzle is a fun way to develop stamina for keeping your mental focus sharp for longer and longer, when you solve it with more and more discs each time.
The new page is interactive, featuring a DHTML javascript that renders a simulation of the puzzle. The script lets you choose from three to eight discs. It also has a “solve” button, allowing you to see a step-by-step solution with the minimum possible number of moves. When you play, the script keeps a count of the numbers of moves you make.
(The javascript code author is Glenn G. Vergara. The script is featured on, )
The object of the game is to achieve the minimum possible number of moves in transferring one stack of discs from one tower to another, observing the two rules of the game, which are very simple.
Please visit my new page and have fun with this puzzle. The script is very good in that you move the discs by clicking on them and dragging them with the mouse, instead of pressing more buttons.
After the javascript, I included some basic information on how this puzzle relates to math. Then there is the classic legend of the Tower of Brahma, followed by a cosmological speculation on the total time-span of the universe as predicted by math calculations partly based on assuming the legend was true, and partly based on current scientific beliefs about the universe’s age.
At the end of the page there are links to other web sites featuring information on this brilliant puzzle, and some links to, where you can buy a wooden model of the Tower of Hanoi puzzle, or the book "The Liar Paradox and the Towers of Hanoi: The Ten Greatest Math Puzzles of All Time" by Marcel Danesi.
Please visit my new page and let me know your opinion, because I appreciate any feedback you can give me. Thank you.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Psychological Order of Operations

The risks of seeking safety in the avoidance of difficult tasks

Some students, when evaluating an expression like 8 / 3 - 1, they go:
8 / 3 - 1 = 8 / 2 = 4
When I stop them by asking, "What is going on there?" they sometimes look at me like, "What? I am just doing the operations here." Then I ask, "What about PEMDAS? Isn't there some sort of order we are supposed to follow for the calculations? Are there any parenthesis around the 2 and the 1 in the original expression?" Then they ask, "Oh! You mean, do I have to do the division first?" and I say, "I think that's the rule, going from left to right and doing the multiplications and divisions first, then the additions and subtractions later, isn't it?" then they say, "Oh, yes, that's right!" and proceed to correct the mistake.
For a long time I used to leave it at that but I was always intrigued by that behavior. Why do they do that? They already know the rule, as they have seen it before. They even apply it correctly most of the time. Yet, sometimes they make the same kind of mistake again.
After seeing this happening over and over with several of the many students I have worked with during my tutoring years, I have noticed a pattern associated with this behavior. It is likely to occur more often when the student is under pressure, when they feel they don't have enough time to complete their assignment or to finish studying for the exam. The likelihood of this type of mistake increases also when the students are working with material that is new for them, new formulas, new procedures, or new concepts.
I call this type of mistake "the Psychological Order of Operations," as opposed to "the Logical Order of Operations," which is basically just following the established rules.
The reason why some students make this mistake is because they tend to back away from operations they have not mastered completely, operations they don't fully understand, or that they do not know exactly how to perform. Instead they choose to execute first the operations they are more familiar with and they feel more confident about. Somehow they feel safer that way. For these students, this false safety impulse is strong enough they subconsciously choose to ignore the risk of breaking the rules when changing the prescribed order of operations. Somewhere inside their mind, there is a monologue going on like this: "Rats, a division! That is not an exact division; it's going to be a fraction. How do I deal with that? I don't know. I hate fractions! Oh but look! There is a subtraction over there! I know how to subtract those numbers, that's easy, I can do that and the result will be all right. Let's do that one first."
How do I know this is what they are thinking? Well, when the idea first occurred to me, I started asking them "Why did you do that?" They say, "Do what?" and I explain, "Why did you choose to do the subtraction first, before the division?" They blankly stare at me and say: "I don't know, I forgot PEMDAS." And I insist, "Yes, but why?" To this they usually give me a look like saying, "Geez! Give me a break, will you? It was just a mistake, and I already fixed it!" Then I ask, "In general, for you, what's easier, divisions or subtractions?" and they say, "Subtractions!" Then I ask: "Now, when dealing with divisions, do you prefer the ones where the result is an integer or the ones where the result is a fraction?" They say, "The ones with an integer result." My next question is: "When you have to do two tasks, one of them you are not sure how to go about it and the other you know exactly what to do, which one do you do first?" They say, "I do first the one I know how to do." Finally I ask: "Do you think that could be what just happened here?" pointing to the part of their work where the mistake occurred. They look at the paper, they show an expression of surprise in their face, and they look at me as if thinking, "I'm busted!"
After all this, I tell them: Look, just be aware you sometimes have this impulse to do first what you already know, but this impulse increases your chances of making mistakes when you change the order of operations. Sometimes we can change the order, but not always, you want to be careful about it. Besides, when you find an operation you are not sure how to perform, what you really want to do is to learn more about that operation. Postponing it is not going to make it go away, you are going to have to face it at some point, right? Just pay attention and try to catch yourself when you are making this kind of decision.
They usually like this advice.